Photo – Emma In Nest / 小窝里的Emma by I am Emma 09. 9 月 2018 Photo 0 On the cat tree in balcony, there is a nest. Emma fell down at the first time when she tried to climbed up. But after she has get used to it, she enjoy sleeping over there. Please enjoy Emma’s cute sleeping pose in the nest.窗台上的猫树上有一个小窝,Emma第一次上去的时候就不小心掉了下来,但习惯之后,也在上面享受了睡眠。请欣赏下Emma在小窝里的可爱睡姿吧。 Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, why do you interrupt me wherever I sleep!’Emma:“大笨猫,为什么我在哪里睡觉你都要来打扰我!”