Photo – Back Leg In The Air / 悬空的后腿 by I am Emma 28. 4 月 2019 Photo 0 Emma: ‘I like to hang my back leg in the air.’ Emma:“我喜欢将我的后腿悬空。” Emma: ‘Like this.’ Emma:“就像这样。” Emma: ‘Or this, the leg hanging in the air make me feel very comfortable.’ Emma:“或者这样,悬空的后腿让我感觉很舒服。” Emma: ‘Whoops? Big Clumsy Cat, what are you doing?’ Emma:“咦?大笨猫,你要做什么?” Emma: ‘Meowahahahaha~ Very itchy, very itchy, meow~’ Emma:“喵哈哈哈哈~好痒,好痒,喵~” Emma: ‘Lick you, my Big Clumsy Cat, an excellent human servant, meow~’ Emma:“舔舔你,我的大笨猫,一个非常好的人类仆人,喵~”