Daily 62 Emma And Ball String / 日常 62 Emma与球绳 by I am Emma 09. 12 月 2018 Daily, 日常 0 Emma has a new toy, which is a ball made of entangled rope. The ball should be the subject for Emma to play, but it seems Emma dislikes it and she run away for refusal. Then I threw the string connecting the ball to Emma. However, she liked it very much and chased the string everywhere. She grabbed it with her paws, bite it with her mouth, and played happily. Sometimes it’s better to change the way of playing a toy.Emma有了一个新的玩具,一堆绳子缠绕而成的小球。本应该小球是游玩的主要对象,但Emma看起来并不喜欢,甚至还嫌弃的跑开了。然后我把连接小球的那根绳子甩给Emma,她却喜欢的不得了,追着小绳到处跑,用爪子抓住,用嘴咬住,玩的很开心。有时候,一个玩具换一种玩法也许能得到更好的效果。