Daily 54 Emma Played with Ribbon / 日常 54 Emma玩丝带 by I am Emma 21. 1 月 2018 Daily, 日常 0 This is the ribbon around the box of Emma’s birthday cake this year. It had became Emma’s favorite toy. But Emma did not like to play with the ribbon by herself. She liked moving ribbon, so Big Clumsy Cat had to play with her. I held one end of the ribbon and threw it away, then Emma went to chase the other end; or I dragged the ribbon slowly, then Emma used her paw to stop the ribbon escape; or I dragged the ribbon strongly and suddenly, the Emma went up to chase it at once. But only when the ribbon stayed there without any movement, Emma ignored it. Maybe Emma just enjoyed playing with Big Clumsy Cat.Because the camera was held by hand, some sections were presented with shaking. If it made you feel uncomfortable, please forgive me.这个是今年Emma过生日的时候,蛋糕盒子上的丝带,后来成为了Emma非常喜欢的玩具。但Emma不喜欢自己玩丝带,她喜欢会“动”的丝带,所以只能大笨猫陪她玩。我会抓住丝带的一端,然后将丝带抛出,Emma会去追丝带的另一端;又或者我慢慢的拉丝带,Emma就会伸爪子不让丝带“逃跑”;再或者我突然大力一把将丝带揪过来,Emma就会立马起身去追。但唯独丝带放那里不动,Emma则视而不见,可能Emma就喜欢让大笨猫陪她玩吧。因为是手持摄像机,部分片段会有所晃动,如果感到不适,还请原谅。