Daily 53 Emma Chased Laser Light / 日常 53 Emma追逐激光 by I am Emma 17. 12 月 2017 Daily, 日常 0 Emma likes chasing laser light very much. There was a voice of ‘Ka-Da’ when the laser pointer was turned on. Whatever Emma was doing, she would run to me as soon as she heard the voice. Then she started to search for the naughty red point. Once she found it, she would go up to it quickly. Or sometimes she waited for a while and expected the red point would get ‘hooked by the bait voluntarily’. As it wandered in front of her, she moved her paw immediately to catch it. But, it seemed it could never be caught and she didn’t know why. Haha, but Emma had never given up. According to how Emma chasing the laser light, her reaction speed is really very fast. But safety must be noticed if playing the laser light with her. The laser light should not be pointed directly toward her eyes, in case to harm her vision.Emma非常喜欢追逐激光。打开激光棒的开关会“咔哒”一声,Emma只要听到这个声音,无论在干什么,几乎总是第一时间跑过来,到处寻找那个调皮的小红点,一旦发现,立马扑过去。有时候会先等片刻,等小红点“自己上钩”,游走到面前,瞬时一伸爪,想要抓住它,可是,不知道怎么回事,好像永远也抓不到,哈哈,但Emma从没放弃。从Emma追逐激光可以看出,她的反应速度真的是非常的快!不过陪她玩这个游戏也要注意安全,不要将激光直接对准她的眼睛,以免伤及她的视觉!