Daily 42 Emma behind the Curtain / 日常 42 窗帘后的Emma by I am Emma 02. 4 月 2017 Daily, 日常 0 I slid Emma’s toy along the curtain, would Emma behind the curtain be curious for what it is? And why the curtain is moving continually and making noises like the toy? She could not think out of it, so she sprang on it directly to have a look. But she always missed it. Pull the curtain open and leave only a layer of thin gauze, Ah-Ha, Emma finally could see it and catch it. Hmm…Why did the familiar sound occur again beside the window? Wait, observe, find the aim, rush to it and catch it! Emma thought this is very interesting, didn’t she? But why she went away at the end?我拿着Emma的玩具在窗帘上滑动,窗帘后面的Emma会好奇这是什么东西吗?为什么窗帘会一动一动的,而且又发出玩具的声音呢?想不通,直接扑上去抓来看一看,结果总是抓不住。拉开窗帘留下一层薄纱,啊哈,总算看清是什么啦,这一次终于抓住啦。咦?为什么窗边又出现了熟悉的声音,等待,观察,发现目标,扑上去,抓住啦!Emma觉得很好玩,是吗?可为什么最后跑掉了呢?