Daily 34 Emma Kneaded Again / 日常 34 Emma又踩奶了 by I am Emma 08. 10 月 2016 Daily, 日常 0 After Emma has grown up, she doesn’t knead as ofter as when she was little. But she still can enjoy kneading occasionally. Emma squeezed and sucked at the same time, so the kneading cushion got quite wet. Sometimes she looked more and more sleepy as kneading. Her movements got slowly and it was more and more difficult to keep her eyes open. At that time if there was some sound, she could have some fuel charging and start to knead again.Emma长大后,不像小时候那般经常踩奶了,但偶尔踩奶时,依然很享受的样子。Emma一边踩着一边吮吸,弄的“踩奶垫”湿湿的。有时候踩着踩着就像快进入了梦乡,动作变得慢了,眼睛也慢慢的睁不开了,这时如果有点响声,就像加了油似的,又开始踩呀踩的。