Daily 38 Half-sleeping Half-conscious Emma / 日常 38 半睡半醒的Emma by I am Emma 02. 2 月 2017 Daily, 日常 0 Half-sleeping half-conscious Emma. Now she is in a daze and stretching her soft body. Any sleeping pose she makes casually is pretty cute, so it is very pleasing to observe these poses. to be simple, at this time, she is as relaxed and comfortable as she can. Occasionally she changes her sleeping pose if she is tired with the previous pose. After a while she yawns and stretches herself and forget stretching in the half way of it to continue sleeping. As a result, her arm is placed on her head like this. The figure is really cute. Huh? Why is the arm a little sour? Ah! She just remembers to finish the second half of the stretching and continue napping.半睡半醒的Emma,此时的她迷迷糊糊的,舒展着她柔软的身体,随便一个睡姿都蛮可爱的,让人看的好舒心。简单说,此时她,尽量的放松,尽量的舒服。偶尔一个睡姿累了就换一个,再过一会伸个懒腰舒展一下,有时候伸到一半就忘了,继续小睡一会,结果一个胳膊就这么搭在脑袋上,其形象实在是太可爱了。咦?为什么胳膊有点酸,啊!才想起来,赶紧把后半个懒腰伸完,继续睡个小觉吧。